Transfer from Saint Paul College

如果你正在考虑从mg电子试玩app转到四年制学院或大学, 不要等待-停下来并访问我们的咨询中心(1340室),以确保您顺利转入您选择的学院或大学.

Student studying in the library.

Transfer Timeline

Prior to starting Saint Paul College: Choose your program & meet with your advisor.
0-12 Credits: Explore 4-year programs and meet with a Pathway Advisor.
24-34 Credits: Connect with advisors at the college in which you’re interested.
35-45 Credits: Send in applications to 4-year colleges and universities.
45-60 Credits: Apply for Saint Paul College graduation
Degree Completed: Send final Saint Paul College transcripts to 4-year school.

Transferring Credits Reminder

The most important thing you should know is that the receiving college or university decides which credits transfer and if those credits meet degree requirements.

Which credits transfer?

Within the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system



一门课程可以满足mg电子试玩app的明尼苏达转学目标,但可能被视为或可能不被视为等同于接收机构的课程. 发送和接收机构的认证都可以影响学分的转移, but it is not the only factor in determining transfer of credits. Institutions accept credits from courses and programs like those they offer. 他们寻找课程目标、内容和水平的相似之处:“喜欢”转化为“喜欢”.” The name of a course is not sufficient to determine equivalency. Not everything that transfers counts toward graduation. 学士学位课程通常分为三类:通识教育, major/minor courses and prerequisites/electives. 关键的问题是,“你的学分是否符合你选择的学位或项目的要求??”

Every college is different.

所有的学院和大学都是独一无二的,不同于他们接受课程和其他类型的大学学分(CLEP)的方式, AP, IB international credits, etc.); therefore it is important to talk to a Saint Paul College Pathway Advisor, 查阅大学目录和网站,并与四年制大学的顾问交谈. Transfer guides to four-year institutions 可以为学生选择从mg电子试玩app转学的课程提供指导吗.

AA Degree, AS Degree, AAS Degree – What makes these degrees different?
确保学生顺利从mg电子试玩app转入四年制学院或大学, it is important to understand the types of degrees offered at Saint Paul College:

Associate of Arts (AA) degree

文科副学士(AA)学位是为转学而设计的,在学生可以转学到的各种学院和可以选择的各种专业方面提供了灵活性. The AA degree requires mostly general education courses (40 credits), which is what gives it more transferability. The AA degree consists of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Completion of the MnTC with a 2.0 GPA满足任何公立明尼苏达州立大学和明尼苏达大学的通识教育要求. Several private colleges also honor the AA degree. 一些四年制专业要求特定的通识教育课程,称为专业前要求. Note: Course requirements may vary depending on the major and transfer college, 因此,与mg电子试玩app的衔接课程顾问和四年制大学的顾问交谈是很重要的.

对于那些尚未决定专业和对四年制学位感兴趣的学生来说 Associate of Arts (AA) degree is a good program to follow until deciding.

Associate of Science (AS) degree

The Associate of Science (AS) degree is intended to prepare students for immediate employment; however, 当学生转学到与mg电子试玩app有合作关系的学院时,他们可以转学完成学士学位 articulation agreements. The AS degree requires 30 credits of general education (MnTC) courses. 完成学士学位可能需要额外的通识教育课程, 特别是如果学生转到一所没有衔接协议的大学.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree

应用科学副学士(AAS)学位主要是为学生直接就业做准备.  强烈建议正在攻读AAS学位并对转学感兴趣的学生与咨询中心的mg电子试玩app衔接课程顾问交谈,因为转学选择更为有限. AAS学位要求至少16学分的通识教育(MnTC)课程. 对于转学的学生,通常需要额外的通识教育课程来完成学士学位, particularly to colleges with which articulation agreements do not exist.


Things to consider in preparation for transferring.

  • What are the math requirements for the college you plan to transfer to?
  • 为了准备你的四年制学位,你应该上哪些特别的课程?
  • What type of college or university is best for you? Public? Private? Weekend College Program? Online College?

For help with transfer questions or concerns, meet with your Pathway Advisor or contact your advisor at the transfer college.

Transfer Options

What is the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)?

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum is briefly outlined on the Associate of Arts page. This curriculum was designed to help standardize General Education requirements, 使学生在不损失学分的情况下从一个机构转到另一个机构. Ten goals were developed, based on subject areas or themes. More information is available at

I am an AS or AAS degree student, what are my transfer options?

AS学位有30个通识教育学分,AAS学位有20个通识教育要求. All general education courses will transfer to a four-year college or university. Investigate if your particular program has any articulation agreements. These agreements guarantee acceptance of part or all of your AS or AAS credits. Otherwise, if you transfer to a college or university without an articulation agreements, technical courses are reviewed on a class by class basis. Typically, 如果没有衔接协议,技术学分不能转移到四年制学院或大学.

What is an articulation agreement?

衔接协议是mg电子试玩app和四年制学院或大学之间的协议. 该协议规定,特定技术文凭或学位的全部或部分学分将被接受用于指定的四年制学位课程/学习专业.

What are the 20 credits of pre-major/elective courses for the AA degree?

These 20 credits can consist of additional Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses, other elective college credit courses, or technical credits. 如果你在入读艺术副学士课程之前没有完成技术学分, 你最好选择额外的MnTC或其他课程,以满足你所选择的学士学位课程的专业/外语/数学要求.

Transfer Resources on the Web is a resource for students, academic advisors, 教育工作者需要找到信息来指导转学计划,包括转学政策和程序, articulation agreements, student services, and transfer contact information. 大多数信息都是针对明尼苏达大学和明尼苏达州立学院的 & Universities (MnSCU) System.

Transferology 是一个全国性的网络,旨在帮助你回答“我的课程会转学吗??” You may enter coursework, exams, and/or military learning experiences, then discover in a single click how many schools in the network have matching courses that may be awarded when you transfer. Schools are ranked by the percentage of coursework they accept in transfer, though you may focus the results with a number of handy filters and sorts, 包括你的课程如何转移到另一所学院或大学的特定项目. Details of how those courses will count are available with another click or two, 你可以通过询问具体的项目来告知学校你对转学的兴趣, campus visits, and/or coursework that has not yet been evaluated by the school. More info

The Transfer Action Plan

Will help you explore the transfer process and navigate available resources.